If you're easily offended stop reading now.
This is as far as you want to go.
For those of you still reading, you may or may not agree with everything I have to say here, but guess what that's why I'm writing it and not you.
Check back daily and I may or may not have updated, depending on how drunk or pissed I may be at any one time.
If you're reading this because you're looking for some political or social commentary on what it means to be living in the time of the death of the American Dream, somehow you have been misguided. I'm just gonna tell you about what pisses me off in-between jerk-off sessions, drinking and naps. Sorry.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm back bitches.

I've been gone for awhile but I'm back now and as pissed off as ever. I'll be bringing lots of updates and informing you of everything that's out there worth hating, which if you know me is fucking everything. You would think with endless amounts of free time and nothing to do to fill it I would be able to complete the simple task of sitting here in my undies and typing out all the shit I hate on a regular basis, but I have proved even that is too hefty a task. So have no fear, I'm back and won't be leaving you again anytime soon, go fuck yourselves. The Bear.